For Latrobe members with extras coverage for psychology, physiotherapy, dietetics, speech pathology, podiatry, counselling, occupational therapy, exercise physiology and osteopathy, getting the care you need just got a whole lot easier.

Latrobe Health Services has extended its extras coverage to a range of services delivered as telehealth services.

What is telehealth?

Telehealth is the use of communications technologies such as telephone calls or video conferencing to deliver health services. Instead of visiting your health professional, you can ‘attend’ a telehealth appointment by dialling in to receive a diagnosis, treatment, self-management or prevention advice and educational information.

How do I access telehealth?

You can access telehealth services over the phone, but often the most effective way to attend a Telehealth appointment is via video conferencing services. You can access these online via your computer, tablet or mobile and many healthcare professionals are mindful to provide this via a secure platform specifically designed for health professionals with privacy in mind. Check with your healthcare provider for more information.

What health services can be delivered by Telehealth?

If your Latrobe Health extras policy covers you for psychology, physiotherapy, dietetics, speech pathology, podiatry, counselling, occupational therapy, exercise physiology and osteopathy then you will be able to claim benefits for these services whether delivered via telehealth or face-to-face by a registered health care provider.

What are the benefits of telehealth?

You can attend to your health care needs without having to go anywhere.

It’s also a huge advantage for those living in regional centres and remote areas who might otherwise have to travel long distances to attend a health appointment with a specialist.

What are the disadvantages of telehealth?

Not all services for which we pay extras benefits can be delivered via telehealth (think massage) and not all aspects of a health service (where hands-on treatment is needed) are suitable for delivery via Telehealth.

How do I claim?

Once you’ve attended your telehealth appointment, the easiest way to submit your claim is via our mobile app, but you can also claim on our website - Make a claim.

  • The invoice/receipt must clearly state the service was a telehealth consultation.

  • The service must be undertaken with a registered provider and in accordance with the relevant association’s guidelines.